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guest room basket ideas

Guest Room Basket Ideas

Wicker baskets are classic decor items, but if you thought they were limited in their styling possibilities, think again. You just need some modern, fresh ideas for styling them. And with these genius guest room basket ideas, you’ll be set to impress!

With these basket ideas for the guest room, you’ll find what you need to elevate your decor style with minimal effort. It doesn’t matter if you have a small or large guest room, a spartan or vintage decor theme, or a minimalist or rainbow color scheme.  

What this article covers:

What Is a Guest Room Basket?

If you’re new to the concept of a guest room basket, let’s first discuss what exactly it is and what it does. 

A guest room basket is a receptacle filled with useful items that your guest may need for their overnight stay. This is a common feature in boutique hotels, inns, and BNBs. And it’s also a lovely gesture for the guest room in your home. But what is its purpose? Why put them in a basket?

what to put in a guest room basket

A basket is easy for you to fill, and it’s easy for your guests to take what they need from it. And it can look quite attractive when styled to match or complement the decor of the room. We’ll get to that in a moment, but first, what size should it be?

How Big Should a Guest Basket Be?

A guest basket should be the right size for the size and scope of your accommodations. Let’s explain this more fully. 

A large hotel with premium services is more likely to need a larger guest basket to hold all the extras that guests are promised. A smaller B&B, on the other hand, won’t need quite as large a basket for overnight guest toiletries and essentials.

The size you pick is therefore largely dependent on what you plan to put in it. 

What to Avoid When Creating Your Basket

When creating your guest basket, the main thing to avoid is overcrowding. This will not only look cluttered and unappealing, but it'll also make it harder for you to see what needs topping up. And of course, it will also frustrate your guests when they can’t find what they need.

 guest basket ideas for guest rooms

Another problem with creating guest baskets is going overboard with the decorations. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with adding a touch of color or ornamentation. However, the keyword here is "touch”. 

Overdoing the decoration will simply take away from the functionality and simplicity that a guest basket is meant to offer. We highly recommend that you keep it simple because, in decor, as in fashion, less really is more. 

Do I Need a Guest Bedroom Basket?

You need a guest bedroom basket if you intend on offering guests certain complementary essentials for their stay. This may include toiletry items, a wifi password, brochures about events or tours in the area, and perhaps even a mini first aid kit.

It’s ultimately up to you what you want to put in there. But remember, travel-size toiletry items are easier and more practical than large, bulky items. It also reinforces the impression that no one else will be using these particular items. 

However, be aware that many people love to take these miniature items as ‘souvenirs”.

guest basket ideas for guest room

How to Put Together the Perfect Guest Room Basket

Putting together the perfect guest room basket isn’t that difficult. There are three simple steps to take, and these depend on the type of guest room accommodations you are providing.

Pick your Basket

First, pick your basket. The type and quantity of articles you want to put in there will determine its size, style, and functionality. Also, is the guest bedroom catering to two people or just one person? 

This will affect the number of toiletry items that you have to include. Fortunately, our bathroom wicker storage baskets are available in different sizes and styles.

guest room basket

Fill your Basket

Next, fill your basket. If some of the items are small or delicate, you may want to line the basket with a fabric liner or even some pretty tissue paper. Go with whatever looks best with the surrounding decor, but keep the liner a solid color, as it’ll make it easier to see what’s at the bottom of the basket.

Add the basic toiletries that guests may need for their bath or shower. Not toilet paper, though. If you don’t like the idea of toilet paper rolls standing out on a shelf, our toilet paper basket is the perfect solution.

guest room baskets

Elevate your Basket

Now it’s time to elevate your guest room basket. Our research has found that there are so many guest room basket ideas when it comes to this last step. But a good place to start is with the decor theme and color scheme. 

In a minimalistic or spartan environment, a rustic basket with very little ornamentation is best. A cottage country or farmhouse theme may be best complemented by a basket with a handle and a solitary ribbon tied onto the handle in a bow. 

But even a modern guest room can benefit from the look of a set of wicker nesting baskets. Just paint them in the predominant color of the room. Yes, there’s no rule against painting a basket, and it will keep the look modern and fresh without excess adornment.

 guest baskets ideas for guest rooms

Our Favorite Welcome Basket Ideas

We’ve come across some ultra-stylish welcome basket ideas, and these are our favorites: 

  • Fill your basket with small sample sachets of herb teas, little packs of homemade cookies, and other treats to enjoy during their stay. This is one of the most popular Airbnb welcome basket ideas.
  • And B&Bs aren’t the only ones with top guest room basket ideas. One of the most charming house guest basket ideas is to add a sleeping mask and perhaps a sachet of aromatherapy oil or lotion for better sleep, as a welcome basket idea for your female guests.
  • Instead of the usual chocolates on the pillow that traditional hotel chins are known for, place a handful of individually wrapped miniature chocolate or sweets into a miniature basket on the bedside table.  


In our experience, when it comes to creating stylish, engaging guest room baskets, all you need is a bit of forethought and a little imagination. 

With a few basics and a little luxury or two, every guest will feel welcome and appreciated. 

From ideas for the best guest room baskets to tailgating basket ideas, Amish Baskets is here to help!

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