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do the amish celebrate labor day

Do the Amish Celebrate Labor Day?

Labor Day is a federal holiday celebrated throughout the US on the first Monday in September. The purpose of this national holiday is to recognize and honor the American labor movement. This has been the case since 1864, long after the first Amish settlers arrived in America in the late 1700s. 

But due to their isolation and strict rules, the Amish don’t partake in many holidays the rest of the country takes for granted. So do the Amish celebrate labor day? And what is their stance on other secular US holidays? We examine the answers to these questions and more, below.

Do the Amish Work on Labor Day? 

do amish observe labor day

Most Amish work inside their own communities, but those who do work outside them may get Labor Day off. This depends on their employer, but Amish people are not concerned with having Labor Day off. They will usually happily work on Labor Day if required to do so.

That doesn’t mean that they don’t recognize the achievements of the American workforce. They do. But it’s not a crucial aspect of their day-to-day lives. The Amish work their own lands, build their own structures and even make their own clothes. 

Even if an Amish person who works on the ‘outside’ is given the day off, they won’t spend it lazing about. They’ll put their free time to good use, gathering fresh produce in their hand-woven vegetable harvest baskets, or working on some other craft. 

do amish celebrate labor day

But what about the other popular holidays that many American celebrate? Do the Amish celebrate Easter or Christmas? The Amish are a conservative sect of Christain Protestantism. Therefore they celebrate Christian high days and holidays. 

So yes, they do celebrate Easter and Christmas, as these are both religious holidays. They even make cute easter baskets for their children, which you can purchase here through Amish Baskets. That said, they focus more on the religious significance of these days than the commercialized aspects.

do the amish observe labor day

It Depends on What The Holiday Represents

It is when it comes to secular holidays that things differ the most.  And in each case, it depends on how that holiday aligns or not with Amish beliefs. So, is there such a thing as Amish Valentines or Amish Country Memorial Day

While many (but not all) Amish celebrate Valentine’s Day with their loved ones, the same can’t be said of Memorial Day. That’s because Memorial Day has a connection to the military, an institution that conflicts with Amish pacifist values.   

do the amish people observe labor day

Which Secular Holidays Do the Amish Celebrate?

Not only do the Amish observe Christmas and other religious holidays, but they celebrate some secular ones, too. The most notable one of these special days is Thanksgiving. And the Amish celebrate it in much the same way that other Americans do. 

Amish Thanksgiving

Do the Amish celebrate thanksgiving? Yes, they do. Amish people are thankful for good weather, healthy crops, and community harmony just like the settlers of old who instituted Thanksgiving Day. 

As people who rely on a good harvest of their crops, they understand the original meaning of Thanksgiving Day better than most. Amish families celebrate Thanksgiving just like everyone else does, by sharing a good meal and giving thanks for the blessings received.

New Year 

Many Amish communities also celebrate New Year, although much more soberly than other cultures do. While they don’t celebrate it with champagne and loud music, they nonetheless enjoy some merriment to mark the start of a new year. 

do the amish people celebrate labor day


Labor Day recognizes the contributions that laborers have made to America’s development. 

While the Amish don’t celebrate federal holidays, they still embody the idealized work ethic and industry Labor Day salutes. 

The Amish’s contribution to the fabric of American society is no less noble and should nonetheless be commended. 

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